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College Friends

College Prep.

Getting Ready for College

Career Readiness Guide & Checklist

How To Prepare For College — College Readiness Guide

What does it mean to be ready for college? There are some important steps to take during high school. Here are 11 tips to help you to be prepared academically and personally for your college education.

  1. Start Planning for College Now!

  2. Take the Right High School Classes to Prepare for College

  3. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities

  4. Keep an Extracurricular Record

  5. Get to Know your High School Guidance Counselor

  6. Build Relationships with Mentors

  7. Work on College Readiness Life Skills

  8. College Visits - Schedule a College Campus Tour

  9. College Entrance Exams - Make a Plan

  10. Create an Organization System

  11. Apply for College Admission, Financial Aid and Scholarships

High School is a great time to learn, explore, develop, and dream. When you start your freshman year, you may not know where you want to go to college or what you want to study. But there are things you can do that will move you towards being ready to select, apply, and be accepted to a great college. You need to be prepared for the challenges you will face once you arrive and start your college education. The following tips and details can help you prepare for academic success in college.

  • Getting Ready for the Right College

  • How To Properly Prepare For College or University

  • How to Choose the Right College or University

  • College/University Entrance Exams

  • College Prep for Seniors

Are You Ready for College

Think Seriously, Explore Your Options Endlessly. Wonder Purposefully.

How To Properly Prepare for Colleges & Universities

  • Start Planning for College as early as Grade 9!

  • Take the Right High School Classes to Prepare for College or University

  • Get Involved in a few Extracurricular Activities

  • Keep an Extracurricular Activity Record

  • Know your High School Principals & Guidance Counselor

  • Build Quality Relationships with Mentors

  • Work on College Readiness Life Skills

  • College Visits - Schedule Campus Tour

  • Study for your College Entrance Exams 

  • Create a Meaningful Organization System

  • Apply for College Scholarships

How to Choose a College

  • What Should Your Major Be?

  • Visit College Campus' and Take College Virtual Tours

  • Know the College Requirements and Academic Level

  • Don’t Rule Out a College on Tuition Costs Alone

  • Discover What Financial Grant is Available to You

  • Are Jobs and Internships an Option?

  • Review College Graduation Rates

College Entrance Exams

  1. ACT (American College Test)

  2. SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)

  3. SAT Subject Tests (formerly SAT II)

  4. CLT (Classic Learning Test)

  5. AP Test (Advanced Placement Test)

  6. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

  7. GED (General Education Development)

College Prep for Seniors

  • Carefully select challenging junior year courses

  • Prepare for the PSAT NMSQT

  • Research scholarships and apply to ones for which you are qualified

  • Determine a “good fit” major/career

  • Visit colleges and universities

  • Prepare for and take college entrance exams

  • Meet regularly with your guidance counselor, teachers, and other mentors

  • Talk regularly with your parents about the future

  • Pursue and record extracurricular interests

  • Plan to use your school breaks wisely!





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